
Today, LB and I went to lunch at Fenns Quay. Not a first by any means as we go there regularly but today we were meeting Laureen (a friend of a friend and traveling the world) for the first time and it was the first time LB ate potatoes AND fed himself (!).

We arrived just after the bells of St. Francis finished tolling Noon but Laureen was early, having expected to get lost. But even the former waterways-turned-streets of Cork City didn’t confuse such a seasoned traveler. With her background in newspapers and fashion, I was sure we’d not be short on conversation. And we weren’t.

As always, LB stole the show. He has only recently been eating solid foods with more swallowing than spitting out, so today I felt he was ready to try mashed potatoes. Well, he’s been ready for a while but I was so afraid to make a fresh batch just for him and have him reject it. My own Mom is still talking about how I rejected a carefully prepared butternut squash decades ago (now one of my favorite foods). But that’s when it’s good to refer to a professional. Yes, I outsourced the mash. But to be fair who wouldn’t want Kate Lawlor cooking their baby’s lunch?!
Plain mashed potatoes at Fenns Quay for baby LB

We sat outside in the hopes of little birdies scooping up the mess LB created with mash droppings. As much went in his belly as on the ground, which made me so happy. In fact, not only did he open his mouth and take in bits of mashed potato but he kept it in his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it! Oh wait, it gets better. So, I held him in my lap with the small bowl of mash firmly in one of my hands and LB reached into the bowl and took out bits and put them in his mouth. I know, it isn’t impressive to read about and it sounds way messy (it was) but this was the first time he had done this (he has had the chance before but never eaten anything on his own let alone with such vigor). Anyway, a huge thanks goes out to Chef Kate Lawlor and everyone at Fenns Quay for not only tolerating the mess I created but helping to nourish my wee fella today. The smile on his face will fuel me for a few days at least!

Of course, while LB ate his mash, I ate a tart from the specials menu. It was very special indeed! Mozzarella cheese, courgette, and tomato in a light but firm crust that wasn’t really a crust as one would expect, which was a relief because I honestly don’t like crusts (to be fair, I used to love them but then got my fill).
Mozzarella courgette and tomato tart at Fenns Quay for lunch

We returned home covered in mashed potato bits but sublimely happy and nourished. Not sure anyone noticed because I was wearing my new lipstick that my friend Máire got me as part of my lipstick intervention yesterday at Brown Thomas. Long story way short on that is that I don’t think I’ve ever owned a lipstick before (I barely even own make-up) and I bought a lipstick a few months ago and it is completely the wrong shade for me evidently so Máire expertly guided me in the right directly and the new lipstick does wonders! It’s like my natural lip color but just a little more of it. Yay!


  1. Angela Feehely says:

    Hi Evin, love your choice of restaurant. Of course Liam loved mashed potatoes. Why wouldn’t he. they are the greatest comfort food ever. I’ve never heard of you until I read your colum today on The Cork News. I really enjoyed it. You sound like a very happy and positive person.

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