All About These Islands: Knits from Ireland, Scotland, and Britain

These Islands explores two sources for wool in Ireland which embrace the slow revolution with ethically-treated sheep, fair-trade wool, and local milling.
These Islands includes eight never before published patterns for hats, a cowl, shawls, fingerless gloves, and boot cuffs using locally-processed wool made from the fleece of Irish, Scottish, or British sheep with names. The patterns are designed by Sara Breitenfeldt, Suzanne McEndoo, and Evin Bail O’Keeffe.
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These Islands by Sara Breitenfeldt, Evin Bail O'Keeffe, and uzanne McEndoo

A step away from the mass-produced acrylics and imported wool blends from other continents to focus once again on knitting with local wool. It is time to allow conscientious small-batch artisan producers to guide us to the very best of what these islands have to offer. There are a variety of breeds of sheep being raised in Ireland and Great Britain, each breed with its own special characteristics. Each of these varieties of wool brings a new level of uniqueness to a knitter’s work. If we’re so focused on having our eggs be fair-trade and local, why not our knitting wool?

Smudge - Irish Wools p34

ISBN: 978-1-910567-03-6

62 pages, A5, Paperback
7 knitting patterns and 1 weaving pattern.
77 full-colour photographs shot on location at Zwartbles Ireland in Kilkenny and in County Cork, Ireland.

Published in 2015 by Anchor and Bee of Cork City, Ireland. Printed in the UK.
Copyright © 2015 Sara Breitenfeldt, Suzanne McEndoo, and Evin Bail O’Keeffe
Photography: Sara Breitenfeldt, Suzanna Crampton, Justin Molina, Evin Bail O’Keeffe, and Victor Sullivan.

Smudge - Irish Wools p35

Smudge - Irish Wools p55

Smudge - Irish Wools p63

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