Dijon Brussels Sprouts

Back in 1994, my Dad surprised me by cooking the entire Thanksgiving dinner from scratch by himself. Armed with just a Julia Child cookbook and fortified with hours of watching the Food Network, my engineer-minded Dad made magic happen in the kitchen. That was the first time he ever made our favourite Brussels sprouts with a Dijon sauce. I still have the index card he wrote out on the day.

Now 20 years later, I am craving his cooking and feeling a bit homesick so I dug out the recipe card. However, on the day I wanted to make it, I was doing a deep decluttering of my kitchen counters and cabinets so I didn’t want to be cooking too. So, I turned to my favourite source for slow cooker recipes, Stephanie O’Dea’s Corckpot 365 website (or her cookbooks) and sure enough, she has a version up there! So, this post is nothing more than a sentimental post with pretty food photos linking to the recipe I used. Happy New Year!

I also have a few more Brussels Sprout recipe blog posts on here if you’re interested.


Recipe for the Very Best Dijon Brussels Sprouts EVER!


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