I just arrived in Washington, D.C. so to celebrate what better thing than a visit to Fibre Space in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. In one of the area’s historic downtown row houses, Fibre Space offers knitters and crocheters a plethora of wool choices in a light and inviting space. A front section with seating welcomes casual drop-in knitters, workshops, and meet ups then you enter two rooms at the back which are filled with everything you’d need. But not overcrowded.
Oh, you are looking for a pair of needles? Which size? Which circular length? Oh, they’ve got that! Love their creative use of an old piece of furniture.
And let’s browse their yarn, shall we?
Here I am at the shop with my friend Marseille last summer. She is one of the test and sample knitters and proofreaders for my Bake Knit Sew book that is being published by Anchor and Bee in the next few weeks!
UPDATE: You can buy the paperbackĀ online or the ebook on Ravelry.
And a closer look at the darling display behind us.
And I’m teaching LB to appreciate woollen finery early. Here he is with my buddy Pete.
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