How to Tie-Dye Cotton Shirts

Though we often think of summer camp and cotton tee-shirts when we remember tie-dyeing, it can be done at home (outside) and with other kinds of cotton fabrics and clothing. For our tie-dye afternoon, we used polo shirts, tees, and even a button-down. When you have white shirts that have fallen victim to a stubborn immovable stain, sometimes tie-dye is the best approach.

Tie-Dye Tee

So, to celebrate school getting out for summer, I wanted to share one of my favorite summer crafts with you. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to tie dye a t-shirt:

  1. Prep the shirt: Start by washing and drying the shirt to remove any dirt or oils that may prevent the dye from penetrating the fabric.
  2. Twist and tie the shirt: Once the shirt is dry, fold it in half lengthwise and twist it tightly to create a spiral. Use rubber bands to tie the shirt in several places along the spiral, creating sections that will be dyed different colors. The tighter the rubber bands, the more defined the dyed sections will be.
  3. Mix the dye: Mix the dye according to the package instructions in separate cups or bowls for each color.
  4. Apply the dye: Apply the dye to the sections of the shirt that have been tied off with rubber bands. Use a squirt bottle or a brush to apply the dye evenly. Be sure to saturate the fabric completely, and use different colors on different sections.
  5. Cover and let sit: Once the shirt is fully saturated, cover it with plastic wrap or a plastic bag to keep the dye from drying out. Let the shirt sit for the amount of time recommended on the dye package, typically between 6 and 8 hours.
  6. Soak to set: Then put in a plastic tub or container and pour white vinegar to submerge. Soak the items for at least 15 minutes for the fabric dye to set.
  7. Rinse and wash: Rinse the shirt in cold water until the water runs clear. Remove the rubber bands and rinse again. Wash the shirt in cold water separately with a mild detergent.
  8. Dry and enjoy: Once the shirt is clean and rinsed, hang it to dry or dry it in the dryer on a low setting. Once it is dry, your tie-dyed shirt is ready to wear!

You can play around with different techniques such as scrunching or folding the shirt to get different patterns or designs. The most important thing is to have fun and experiment with different colors and designs.

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