Keeping Your Small Backyard Pond Healthy

A small garden pond can be a beautiful and peaceful addition to your outdoor space, but it does require regular maintenance to keep it clean and healthy. For me, it is a priority not just because it’s prettier when it’s clean, but we have wildlife that rely on our pond for their drinking water or a bath, so this assures me I am doing all I can do to keep them safe.

Backyard Pond | EvinOK

Here are a few tips on how to maintain your small garden pond based on my experience:

Clean the pond regularly
Use a pond skimmer or a net to remove any debris such as leaves, twigs, and dead plants from the surface of the water. This will help to prevent the buildup of debris and keep the water clear. For twigs and branches that have fallen into the water, use pond gloves to remove them and be mindful of the plants and fish.

Test the water quality
Test the pH levels, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels of the water regularly, to ensure that the water is safe for fish and plants. If you notice any imbalances, take steps to correct them. I rely on a liquid add-in from Dec’s Pets in Co. Wexford.

Use a filter
A filter will help to keep the water clean and clear by removing debris and excess nutrients. I have just upgraded to this pump with a filter and fountain/hose to get our waterfall working again. I previously had a small solar fountain that did not filter the water. These two links are affiliate links to Amazon. I make about €5/year from affiliate links.

Keep the pond aerated
Aeration is important for the health of your fish and plants. You can add an air pump and stone to your pond to keep the water oxygenated. I got my Oxygenating Plants from Future Forests in West Cork.

Add beneficial bacteria
Beneficial bacteria can help to keep the pond clean by breaking down waste and uneaten food. You can add it to the pond in the form of bacteria culture or beneficial bacteria pellets. I use Pond Bomb from Dec’s Pets in Co. Wexford.

Monitor the temperature
During summer make sure the water does not get too hot, which can be harmful to fish and plants. During winter make sure the pond does not freeze, which can also be harmful to fish and plants.
Here in Ireland, I haven’t encountered either issue so far, and we don’t have fish in our pond. I have synthetic lily pads for our pond so if tadpoles ever show up, they have a shelter from predators and sun.

Keep an eye on algae growth
Algae can be beneficial in small amounts, but too much can make the pond look unsightly and can also deplete the oxygen levels in the water, making it hard for the plants and fish to survive. I rely on a liquid add-in from Dec’s Pets in Co. Wexford.

Maintaining the right balance of plants and fish in your pond will help to keep the water clean and healthy. All these tips as well as a balanced approach will help you maintain a healthy and beautiful small garden pond in your garden.

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